Badpuppy and ClubAmateurUSA Dynamic RSS and offer a Dynamic RSS Feed which provides options for multiple images and embedded video with dynamic sizing for both and options to turn off graphic links, text links and the description. The following default URLs provide a single image, video, description and link to the specific set. Refer to the table below for Default Variable Settings.

The following 2 URLs represent usage with the variables. The variables may be used in any order and if you don't use one, the default is taken as listed in the table below. IMPORTANT - Replace the NATS Affiliate ID with your ID to ensure proper credit.

Variables: 'Default 1' is 'ON' and 'Default 0' is 'OFF'

qlQuery LengthNumeric in DAYS 10, Max 90
sidSite ID1 =
2 =
Set by Domain
iqImage QuantityValues 0-9 1
vqVideo QuantityValues 1 or 0 1
dqDescription On-OffValues 1 or 01
bl Bottom Text Link On-Off Values 1 or 0 0
bgBottom Graphic On-Off Values 1 or 0 1
aidNATS Affiliate Code Example: MTAwMDAyLjE2LjIuMi41MS4wLjAuMC4w
vwVideo Width Numeric in Pixels 320
vhVideo Height Numeric in Pixels 240
is Image SizeNumeric, Percent Reduction, Range 0-100100